Nassau County Speeding Ticket Attorney
An Experienced Lawyer Fighting for Your Dismissal or Reduction in Suffolk and Queens
Speeding is a considerable traffic offense in New York that is penalized by a range of fines and points on your driver’s license. While the ultimate outcome of your Nassau County speeding ticket will depend on a number of factors, such as how fast above the speed limit you were ticketed for, the court the speeding ticket is returnable to, the prosecutor handling the case, and the judge hearing the case, our Nassau County speeding ticket lawyer's goal is to have your speeding ticket dismissed or reduced as much as possible. Attorney Gary S. Miller has handled more than 20,000 ticket dismissals and reductions throughout his 30 years of traffic law practice and will do his best to champion a favorable outcome for you.
From the first time I spoke with him he walked me through the whole process from A to Z. He was able to get all 3 of my tickets dismissed with NO points and NO fines.Evan C.

Traffic Tickets
Consequences of Speeding Violations in Nassau County
Driving above the posted speed limit is a serious traffic offense in New York and can result in fines and points on your driver’s license. Depending on how much above the speed limit you were allegedly driving, you could face the following penalties:
- 1-10 mph – $45-$150 in fines; up to 15 days in prison
- 10-30 mph – $90-$300 in fines; up to 30 days in prison
- > 30 mph – $180-$600 in fines; up to 30 days in prison
Be aware that fines may increase if you have been convicted of more than one speeding violation in the past 18 months, and your license may be revoked if you have incurred 3 convictions within 18 months. Fines may also increase if the offense occurred in a school zone or restricted highway, and fines are doubled in work zones.
If convicted, you will also incur the following points values on your license, depending again on how much above the speed limit you were allegedly driving:
- 1-10 mph – 3 points
- 11-20 mph – 4 points
- 21-30 mph – 6 points
- 31-40 mph – 8 points
- > 40 mph – 11 points
Most speeding tickets received in Nassau County are returnable to the Nassau County Traffic and Parking Violations Agency (NCTPVA) located at 16 Cooper Street, Hempstead, NY. Other tickets will be returnable to the various village, justice, and city courts located throughout Nassau County.
Don’t Plead Guilty to Your Speeding Ticket
It is important that you do not plead guilty to your speeding ticket. You should always avoid a conviction for speeding if possible, as all speeding tickets carry a lot of points that, when added up, could result in a license suspension. For example, a speeding ticket of 76 mph in a 55 mph zone carries 6 points; 86 mph in a 55 mph zone carries 8 points. If you accumulate over 10 points on your license with dates of violations within 18 months, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will automatically suspend your license. Additionally, regardless of points, 3 or more speeding tickets within 18 months can lead to a 6-month license suspension.
If you have already pleaded guilty to a speeding ticket before consulting an attorney, it can be complicated but not unresolvable. Every week we get calls from people who chose to mail in guilty pleas on their Nassau County speeding tickets and now find themselves facing a license suspension and/or substantial fines, penalties, and assessment fees (below). Mailing in a plea of guilty on a Nassau County ticket is usually a mistake, but our firm is usually able to get these mailed guilty pleas vacated and set aside when retained within a certain period. If you have pleaded guilty by mail and now realize you made a mistake and want to undo it, please contact the Law Office of Gary S. Miller ASAP.

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- Spanish Speaking Services Available
- Over 30 Years of Experience
- Focused on Traffic Defense
- Over 20,000 Cases Reduced or Dismissed
Driver Assessment Fee and Insurance Premiums
New York treats traffic offenses very seriously, and this is exhibited clearly by its Driver Responsibility Assessment fees system. If you accumulate 6 or more points within 18 months, you will need to pay a total of at least $300 ($100 per year for 3 years). Note that the more points, the more the assessment fee will be. For example, an 8-point speeding ticket conviction carries a $450 driver assessment fee ($150 a year for 3 years). Additionally, drivers will also pay an additional (annual) $25 per point exceeding 6 points.
Speeding ticket convictions will also generally lead to increased insurance premiums. Speeding violations are weighted heavier than most traffic infractions with the same number of points. So, it is always best to try to avoid having a speeding ticket conviction placed on your license.
If you have been issued a ticket for speeding in Nassau County, do not hesitate to contact the Law Office of Gary S. Miller for legal guidance immediately. Call us at (516) 489-3600 or contact us online for a free consultation.